Thursday, August 03, 2006

The self-validation was indeed unneeded

Mmkay, so I've started the second hemp hat and I got impatient and had to start the razor cami last night. Ohmigosh, this yarn is soooo crazy soft. I want to make an alpaca blanket for winter, cus I live in my basement and it gets super-freezing down here. I want to spin alpaca.. I want a pet alpaca.... Maybe that'll be the first animal I get on my dream-farm... an alpaca. Don't worry Aunty Wendy, I'll get the fainting goat too. Alpacas first though! Sooo soft and pretty....

By the way, I figured out that I'm not that much bigger than Katie, I just cast on waaaaay too tight. So I used a stretchier cast on (cable) this time and were all good! I did cast on an extra twelve stitches so that they could fit all the way around the circular needle, I need a shorter one, methinks.

So I found these LiveJournal communities. (For the fam-damily: LJ Communities are like big group 'blogs' [thats what this is] where a bunch of people can join the community and
post all their stuff to each other) Clothes Surgery and T-shirt Surgery. Now, I'm going totally nutters without my sewing machine because I have soo much flippin inspiration from these places now. Grarr! I managed to convince my mother to keep the old old sewing machine. The only thing I've ever encouraged her to keep. (ha!) It will be my sewing machine when I get my own place, because I can't live without one. It weighs an absolute tonne and I was exausted just carrying it down the stairs to my room... I accidentally made a huge gauge in my coffee table from sliding it instead of lifting the damn thing... I'll have to see what I can do to fix that. It was from a peice of the case that was sticking out of the bottom. I also need an extension cord for it because the cord is mucho-short and the machine has to be in the middle of the room and, you know, there's no plug-ins in the middle of the room. (durr...)

I can't find any of my concert tees... Grarr, there's three baskets of laundry on my couchy-thing that I need to go through... They're probably in there. That and some other stuff I can destroy/rebuild. I have a Taste of Chaos and Nine Inch Nails tee to re-size. I also want to make some stencils and... well, do some stencilling. (no really?) I would like to make a t-shirt with all my favourite bands all over it and stuff.

By the way, I don't think I mentioned this in my last post, but in was soooo nice to be able to talk to people last weekend about knitting who actually understood what the heck I was saying! Thanks Grandma and Wendy!

What else, what else... Um, I'll be at my sister's place in Saskatoon this weekend, dad and I leave tomorrow. I'm excited to see everyone! Especially the Loganator! Beck (my sister) is coming out later in the month and I keep forgetting to ask her if she's bringing the cats... Yeh, that's totally relevant to this blog... Ha! I like to go off-topic, don't I?

I already have another order all lined up and ready to go. I just need some money first. That's kinda important for the whole thing to work out ain't it? I've got stuff lined up to make these awesome mittens (and maybe this hat) , and stuff for my NIN bag. That bag is finally going to happen. After, what, half a year of planning? Sheesh, I'm super-excited. What else do I have lined up... Um birch DPNS for those mittens and a back issue of Vogue Knitting.

So I'm done? I guess... I thought I had one more thing... Oh well.
Love Kate

1 comment:

  1. wow you do bounce around *s* but I noticed a thank you to me and granny and your very welcome, any time. Are you sewing too? as in clothes, quilts, toys, none of the abouve all of the above.
    hope the s'toon trip was good and try and finish a couple projects will ya
    love a.w. and Gracie


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